Flyvervej 10, 4750 Lundby

Regenerative enterprises


– regenerative enterprises

“We must move beyond sustainability and into regeneration of all forms of capital. Regenerative systems actively build life, complexity and diversity. They grow the foundation and the potential of what humans perceive and experience as ‘wealth’.” Ethan Roland & Gregory Landua (2013: 15-16)

14.000 cars pass by each year to the Nature center at the end of the road. Since there is nowhere they can eat or sleep, except for a few spaces in a shelter, a miles walk away this opens an opportunity for members of the Oasis community.

Enterprises aligned with Oasis vision and values and the legal restraints of the local plan are very welcome. An enterprise can be started/run by one person or by a group of people.

Until our local plan is approved enterprises are run as separate economic entities with each their bank account and separate entries under the CVR of Vitalitetsfonden.

  • Each enterprise has their own budget and creates their own policy around income distribution, expenses, volunteer work, wages etc and has access to support from from our business consultant.

  • Enterprises pay the community to provide room and board for volunteers, employees, co-owners and other people, who are not residents.

Which enterprises do we expect to be possible?

Regenerative enterprises ensures the longevity of the whole project by providing products and a source of income for us and the people’s college. The combination of regenerative enterprises and the people’s college gives teachers who walk their talk and works as an incubator for startups. When productions grow beyond our own use, they will probably need to be moved to another location in the local area, since buildings cannot be added.

  • Outdoor growing: veggies, greens, grains, beans, berries, herbs, fruits…
  • Indoor growing: Microgreens, Mushrooms.
  • Fermented/dried foods: sauerkraut, miso, tempeh etc. Teas, herbs etc. 
  • Chickens, ducks, eggs.
  • Seaweed harvesting & fishing
  • Food forest, wild food, herbs.
  • Bee products
  • Clothes production of recycled clothes 
  • Natural personal care products 
  • Candles 
  • Soapmaking 
  • Furniture renovation studio
  • Small “farm outlet” selling our products to residents, students, tourists and local people to support the People’s College. 
  • Small liberal professions, such as various green consultants , designers, artists, facilitators and coaches.
  • Office for people working from home.

What is regenerative entrepreneurship

Multy-capital abundance as a new model of enterprises

It is no longer acceptable to create financial profits by extracting the foundational living wealth of our lands and waters.


‘Regenerative enterprise’ may be defined as “a venture that proactively grows and cultivates the foundational pools of social, cultural, spiritual, and living capital by providing goods and services in a way that creates net positive gains for the system as a whole”.

We consciously choose how we use/ gather/ store/ share/ flow/ exchange/ cultivate/ create/ generate/ focus on different types of capital.

Principles for regenerative enterprises

We make a clear distinction between degenerative, sustainable, and regenerative systems.

Some principles we follow

  1. Mimicry of living systems, following clearly defined ecosystem principles. 
  2. Being an integral part of living systems, building living capital through all processes. 
  3. In collaboration with other enterprises: Forming conscious enterprise ecologies. 
  4. Focus on quality rather than quantity using edges and connections. 
  5. Do not harvest the roots, but only the fruit of the ‘tree of production’. 
  6. Ask the question: How can our connection with the system we are harvesting from grow the integrity, resilience and long-term viability of these people and this place?
  7. Fair share business model that recognizes and integrates founders, producers, employees, customers, and investors
  8. Support the personal development of all the people involved in a regenerative enterprise

Which model will win in a long run?